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Road map NeyROBOT

Our roadmap may change based on the current situations in the company, the deadlines may decrease or increase as the company has developed


Our statistics speak for itself

Place the first advertising campaign and start earning!



Advertising companies






Average profitability per year


Why do we need our own crypto -rope?

Most of the projects that we offer are valued over time. For example, the application at the "Idea" stage costs nothing. At the same time, when everything is ready, the advertising is configured, the PR car is launched and monetization began, the same application can cost hundreds of millions. The exchange is needed so that each partner can independently choose profitable investments and, if necessary, quickly add funds to withdraw from the system.


Why do we need our own token?

Komapniya Neyrobot is also a startup. We predict an increase in the value of assets, and therefore an increase in the value of the share and high dividends. Creating digital actions, we open investment opportunities for people from other country. We are especially interested in the countries of the European Union and the Arab Emirates. We are sure that a business that specializes in the development of businesses will be in demand for more than a dozen years.


Neyrobot opens a full -fledged educational platform.

It will help to form a positive image of Neyrobot projects, help to improve the qualifications of the company's employees and turn into a full -fledged self -bumping project. Types of trainings that we plan to conduct:

  • Investing, risk management, entrepreneurial law.
  • Project management. From idea to implementation.
  • Sales and construction of full -fledged sales.
  • Market capture strategies, business adaptation to modern values.
  • Clients attracting and holding tools